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Friday, November 30, 2007

Here We Go Again - Will It Happen This Time? Keeping My Fingers Crossed!!

Jose left this evening to travel to Sacramento. He will be participating in the California International Marathon on Sunday to try to qualify for Boston....again...I am staying home with the kids. it is too far of a drive and flying with 4 people...well, need I say more? I am not liking this at all, but oh well, you can't do everything. I miss him already!
This is a picture of him at the Escondido Transit Center before he left. He took the greyhound!! Yes, it is true. Saving a lot of money this way, because, god willing, if he qualifies for Boston, we will not be staying home for that!! I can't believe he is doing this. It is crazy :0) I am hoping he will do good and make in within the time he wants. His knee was still kind of bothering him a little and he didn't drop the 5 lbs he wanted to before this race. We're blaming Thanksgiving. hahahha. So, keeping our fingers crossed.
Well, wish him well. I will be pacing up and down on Sunday morning from 7am - 10am wondering he is made it. Good luck honey!!

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