Well, we have gotten over Long Beach (I think - hahahaha). After a few weeks rest with minimal training Jose's injury seems to be doing better. Now that the air quality seems to be clearing up, he will be back into training for another upcoming marathon in sacramento.
October 17th was Jose's 38th birthday and as a birthday present my grandfather from holland paid for Jose's entry fee to the California International Marathon in Sacramento. I guess you could say that Jose has a "sponsor" for this race. :0) On his birthday card it said: "We think you should give Boston another try". He is very excited about this race and will prepare for it really well. He will be dropping some more weight before then.
I am keeping my fingers crossed. Missing the cut-off by 1 minute, 38 seconds was such a bummer.
I am kind of sad that the kids and I will most likely not be able to go to this Marathon. It will be his first race that I will miss, and I am not liking that. Flying all 4 of us is just getting too expensive. Especially with the Arizona Ironman in April 2008, which I definitely will not miss. And then if he does get to do Boston, I would love to go there. Oh well, perhaps I should look into some official sponsors for him....hahahahaha.....But, you never know what will happen. So, Sacramento, here "he" comes........we will keep you posted on how his training is going.
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