The most important thing I need to write about is Jose's Sub 3 hour marathon which he ran on June 6th of this year at the San Diego Rock 'n Roll. This was a "dream" of his to be able to do this and also a "training goal" while preparing for the Ironman Arizona, which will be in November of this year. Running has always been his strength and what can I say: The man LOVES to run and somehow always can go faster!! Awesome! He is like Forest Gump (minus the beard) that can just keep going...I don't know how he does it!!! His endurance has been really good since we returned from Kona, Hi last year in October and he has continued to train and try to improve his speed on all three disciplines. But the main focus in the beginning of the year was to try to run a marathon under 3 hours. His best time was in Boston in April 2008, where he ran 3 hours, and 8 min. And so, the goal was set...he was gonna give it a try. Everything went very well with training. He did long runs up to 20 miles, which were trail runs, without any problems and felt very strong. Not tired or sore at all afterwards. Up untill the day before the race, his plantar fasciitis really started nagging. He has had this injury since he did the 50 mile Ultra Marathon back in March 2008, but has just not really been able to get rid of it completely. It has been pretty painful and I don't know how he can run at all, but he does......Well, he started doubting the fact that he could possibly break the 3 hours that night and I have never seen him nervous before a race, but that night definitely noticed some jitters...I realized he really wanted this....He left the next morning very early and I travelled to San Diego with the kids around 6am to make sure I could get to Qualcomm by 7 and on the trolley to the Half Marathon mark to see him. It was really great how this was all arranged and it made for a fun and exciting day for the boys, as they LOVED riding the Trolley. They had never done that before...pretty cool...when we got off the Trolley at the Half Marathon Mark, Joey found a "lucky penny" on the ground. I said: Yes, keep it. It will bring Daddy good luck!!! And he proudly stuck it in his pocket for safe keepings...
We got to the Half Marathon point (13 mile mark exactly) and were able to cross the street to the other side where the Marathoners would be passing by. I was receiving text messages from Athlete Tracking so I could follow him, but they were very delayed and so I kind of had to figure out approx. when he would be coming by. He was running 6 min+ miles, which was great, but geezz..he would have to do that the whole way...we watched as the women pro's went by...vrooommm...they were gone...how do they do it? They are sooo fast, it is almost unreal when you see them go by...very controlled breathing and their steps long and FAST!!!
Soon after I spotted Jose coming with the 3 hour pace group....WOW!!! There is daddy guys!! They were so excited...and Jose was soooo focused and running up front....I couldn't believe he was running as fast as he was...to me it looked like sprinting....really...I wondered how he can keep that up for another 13.2 miles.....the boys and I screamed really hard, waved, but he didn't see us...his eyes were on the road.......and that finish line.. :0) I will never forget that determined look on his face. It was a face of "anger" combined with pain...I knew that he was giving it his all and he was going for it....but I was concerned about his foot being able to hold up.....oh my goodness, I thought...that husband of mine is CRRRRAAAAZZY!!
After a bathroom and smoothie break, the kids and I hopped back on the Trolley, and made our way to the finish area, which was at Sea World this year. It was super busy there....shortly after we found a great spot at the finish line and I watched the clock tick....2 hrs 50 min....2 hrs 56 min...I don't know....it might not happen again this year....bummer...and already starting to feel the disappointment for him.....but then, out of nowhere, who turned the corner with super speed? Daddy!!! Yeah!! My heart literally skipped a beat as I was so surprised and soooo excited for him....The clock said 2 hrs 59 min and some seconds...I SCREAMED......RUN, HONEY......RUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!! The poor lady next to me went deaf I think...sorry, whomever you were....but HE DID IT!!!!! Oh my, I couldn't believe it.....I had tears and the boys were so glad he was there.. :0) It was amazing!! Was that really him? I saw the look on this face when he spotted the finish line...this time...no anger and pain, but pure JOY!! I dont' think he could believe he was gonna do it...but you did it honey!! Again, you amaze me with your power and strength....always able to pull it all out of the bag....unbelievable...
When reunited...he was just all smiles of course and so happy to have finished. He felt really good, which was amazing. I was expecting him to slowly kind of cave in a bit, which can happen after you have done something crazy like that, but thankfully, he was in great shape. No issues what so ever....while travelling back, I wondered how he did in his age group, because I had not seen many finishers before him....later at home we found out he won 2nd place in his age group and they sent him a plaque a few weeks later. Pretty cool. On our way back to the bus after the finish, Joey found a $20 bill on the ground....He said: Mom, that lucky penny did work!!! Yes, it did...it was the best lucky penny we have EVER found. First of all because Daddy was back safe and healthy, secondly because he broke 3 hours and third because we are sooo lucky to be able to experience all of this together as a family......Another wonderful memory for Team Pena...
Joey still has that $20 bill in his wallet proclaiming he has struck it rich and that looking down (we always tell him to look up so he doesn't run into stuff) isn't bad after all :0)......It still makes me laugh when I think about that day....another unforgettable moment that I will cherish FOREVER!!!
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