Hello everyone,
I wanted to post this photo of my brother, Gert, whom lives in Holland with his family so I can congratulate him on his very first 10K Race. He has been running for over a year now and is really trying to get back into shape. I am just so proud of him because he is such a busy guy and has a job where he travels all over the country and makes enormous long weeks. Next to that he has his family of course, which also takes up the necessary time. But he still finds the time to do something for himself and I commend him for that!! I know his kids and wife are so proud of him and his accomplishments so far. In June he'll be doing another 10K and he hopes to break the 1 hour mark. I will be cheering him on from San Diego and hope he does well next time. Great job and keep it up!!
klap klap klap klapklap!!!!!!
Fantastisch doet ook hij probeert in een goede conditie te komen.
Ook ik ben erg trots op hem en ...
Wat hebben we toch een sportieve familie. Heerlijk! voor je het weet doen jullie met zijn allen mee aan de trio triathlon in Almere!
Oma Meppel
Gert; Jij lijkt echt op een goede runner, je ligt voor op een groep andere lopers dat is leuk zeg!
Hoop dat je hier ook wat kan lopen rond het meer, dan volg ik je wel op de fiets of in de golfcart.
Good for him!!!
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